鈦合金板分張器 開開分張
Over the years, KK has been committed to solving the plate separation problem of customers, accumulating indispensable application knowledge and building outstanding technical solutions.
This knowledge, combined with extensive research and development, has resulted in a comprehensive sheet separator and sheet separation system that can be adapted to almost any sheet of different thickness that needs to be separated.
Relying on the advanced design technology concept of Germany, KK works on sheet metal separation. It is widely used for magnetic or non-magnetic plate materials, such as sheet steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, chipboard, masonite. and so on.
Features and advantages
Sheet separation, the thickness of thinnest sheet is up to 0.1mm.
超薄板分張,板厚可以達到0. 1mm。
The sheets are automatically pushed together to ensure that no sheet missing separated.
The first layer sheet is pressed to ensure that only one piece is separated.
Automatic separation system, makes sheet is easy to be automatic separated.