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ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.
Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.
Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.
With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!
Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323 We¡¦re looking forward to your visit.
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN ma1.4-51 M12/8-0.15m 1switch
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op2H-s-30-015/1
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN cs1.19n 1 switch
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN 1.1b-25/PSEN1.1-20/8mm/10m/EX/1unit
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSS SB 3006-3 ETH-2
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op cable angle M12 5-pole 30m
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ s Setscrew terminals 17,5mm
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC2.65/1/5/1/1/4/H/3
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op Lens Shield-4-090
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op2.3 L-Reflex
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ 16S 115VAC 24VDC 2n/o 2so
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCprotego D.01/200/0/0/2/208-480VAC
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSSu BS-R 2/8 S-T
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCcable M2/C1B3/020/10Q/S1
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSS SB VStopp, Kopierlizenz
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ X2.8P 24-240VAC/DC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ X7P C 24VAC/DC 2n/o
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PIT es Set3.1: es3.11/2 n/c
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN sg2c-5LBKLS-M12/5 switch
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷Netzfilter f. DD FFU 3X07K-KK
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSSu BS-R 2/8 C-T
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo DD4.06/112/230-480V
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op4F-A-14-030/1
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC3.32/0/5/1/1/4/H/6
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ m EF Multi Link
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷S1MO 230VAC 2c/o
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCprimo 16+.00/0/1/0/2
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷S1WP 18A 110-230VAC/DC UM 0-240VAC/DC
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷SN CAB RJ45s RJ45s, 1m
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSSu A Con 4 S
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC1.A4/0/L/1/2/5/H/3
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ mli1p 50m screw
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN cs4.2n/PSEN cs4.1 1 Unit
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC2.76/0/5/1/2/5/H/3
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN op cable axial M12 12-pole 3m
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCprimo Drive3.03/11/4/0/0/208-480VAC
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN cs3.1 M12/8-0.15m 1switch
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN sg2c-5LBLLS unit
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC3.32/0/5/1/1/4/H/3
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo AC2.76/0/L/1/1/4/H/3
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PMCtendo A.76/1/M/1/1/4/H/D
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN 2.2p-20/PSEN2.2-20/8mm 1unit
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PSEN cs3.1 1 actuator
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷S1UM 230-240VAC UM 0.1-500VAC/DC UP
PILZ¥Öº¸¯÷PNOZ ml1p safe link ¤£ù׿û¤@¯ë¬O¤£ù׿û©M@»Ä¿ûªºÁ`ºÙ¡C¤£ù׿û¬O«ü@¤j®ð¡B»]¨T©M¤ôµ¥®z¤¶½è»G»kªº¿û¡A¦Ó@»Ä¿û«h¬O«ü@»Ä¡BÆP¡BÆQµ¥¤Æ¾Ç®û»k©Ê¤¶½è»G»kªº¿û¡C¤£ù׿û¦Û¥»¥@¬öªì°Ý¥@¡A¨ì²{¦b¤w¦³9¦h¦~ªº¾ú¥v¡C¤£ù׿ûªºµo©ú¬O§Mª÷ªº«¤j¦¨´N¡A¤£ù׿ûªºµo®i¬°²{¥N¤u·~ªºµo®i©M¬ì§Þ¶i¨B³þ©w¤F«nªºª«½è§Þ³N°ò¦¡C¤£ù׿û¿ûºØ¦h¡A©Ê¯à¦U²§¡A¥¦¦bµo®i¹Lµ{¤¤³v¨B§Î¦¨¤F´X¤jÃþ¡C«ö²Õ´µ²ºc¤À¡A¤À¬°°¨¤ó¤£ù׿û¡]¥]¬A¨IÕàµw¤Æ¤£ù׿û¡^¡BÅK¯ÀÅ餣ù׿û¡B¶ø¤óÅ餣ù׿û©M¶ø¤óÅé¥[ÅK¯ÀÅéÂù¬Û¤£ù׿ûµ¥¥|¤jÃþ¡F«ö¿û¤¤ªº¥Dn¤Æ¾Ç¦¨¤À©Î¿û¤¤ªº¤@¨Ç¯S¼x¤¸¯À¨Ó¤ÀÃþ¡A¤À¬°»Ì¤£ù׿û¡B»ÌÂ줣ù׿û¡B»ÌÂì໤£ù׿û¥H¤Î§CºÒ¤£ù׿û¡B°ªà»¤£ù׿û¡B°ª¯Â¤£ù׿ûµ¥¡F«ö¿ûªº©Ê¯à¯SÂI©M¥Î³~¤ÀÃþ¡A¤À¬°@¤£ù׿û¡B@²¸»Ä¤£ù׿û¡B@ÂI»k¤£ù׿û¡B@À³¤O»G»k¤£ù׿û¡B°ª±j¤£ù׿ûµ¥¡F«ö¿ûªº¥\¯à¯SÂI¤ÀÃþ¡A¤À¬°§C·Å¤£ù׿û¡BµLºÏ¤£ù׿û¡B©ö¤Á«d¤£ù׿û¡B¶W¶ì©Ê¤£ù׿ûµ¥¡C